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How to Identify 听力损失

Physician showing patient a model of a ear

Are you having problems hearing? 你并不孤单. Over 31 million Americans have been diagnosed with hearing loss. Millions more likely go undiagnosed. 患者可能会感到紧张, 焦虑, or aggravated in groups because they only hear pieces of the conversation. 的y may feel excluded 和 may even begin to exclude themselves from social activities to avoid the stress. Trying to compensate for these stresses can be exhausting, 和 the exhaustion is worsened if the sufferer doesn’t recognize hearing loss as the cause.

Who does hearing loss affect?

Even 虽然 hearing loss affects all age groups, it is often seen as “just another sign of getting older.“然而, 不像听力损失, other health issues associated with aging such as high blood pressure, 高胆固醇, 糖尿病, 关节炎, 和 changes in vision are readily investigated 和 treated physicians.

By comparison, hearing loss is much harder to identify. In a quiet exam room, a physician may not notice any hearing issues. Aside from obvious anomalies of the ear canal or the eardrum, most hearing loss leaves no visible symptoms. And most hearing loss is gradual in onset, so a patient may not be able to give a timeline of symptoms.

What are the effects of hearing loss?

Though it often goes undiagnosed, hearing loss is not an isolated problem. 的 佳听学会 报道称,, 后头痛, hearing loss is the second most common health problem in the United States.

的 effects of hearing loss vary from person to person, 和 the adjustment to hearing loss is a unique experience. Hearing loss can cause many problems for a sufferer, 和 these effects can go beyond decreased loudness or clarity of speech 和 sounds.

This inability to communicate effectively can lead to feelings of embarrassment, 挫折, 愤怒, 失败, 和, 最终, withdrawal from social situations. 的se experiences among those with hearing loss are, unfortunately, all too common.

另外, hearing loss in the presence of other limitations such as mobility, 视觉, or cognitive changes associated with aging may result in depression 和 self-isolation.

A number of studies have demonstrated the considerable negative health effects due to untreated hearing loss, 如:

  • 社会焦虑
  • 心理问题
  • 认知问题

Though it may seem to be a common or even inevitable health issue, hearing loss is often much more harmful than we believe.


Since a person with hearing loss is usually the last to recognize the problem, many people who need evaluation never seek it. 的y instead invent excuses; friends 和 family are often accused of mumbling or talking under their breath.

Many others are aware that their hearing has deteriorated, but are reluctant to seek help. 的y may choose to ignore their hearing loss because they are 焦虑 about wearing a hearing aid.

Some people are embarrassed about the perception of wearing hearing aids, or they believe they can “get by” without them. 不幸的是, the stigma of hearing loss is so strong that many people will wait years or even decades before seeking treatment for hearing problems.

So where should a person start if they perceive they are having hearing problems? Your primary care physician can discuss your hearing concerns with you 和 determine if the hearing problem is caused by any physical anomalies.

If none are detected, the physician can refer you to an audiologist for a hearing evaluation. If physical anomalies are detected, your primary care physician can refer you to an 耳鼻喉科专家 (ear, nose, 和 throat specialist). Both an audiologist 和 耳鼻喉科专家 can determine the best course of action for your hearing problem.

Getting Help for 听力损失

Are you having problems with your hearing? Get the treatment you need. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about hearing loss, 和 contact 全球最大赌博365网站 today to schedule an appointment if you have concerns about your hearing!


Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health issues in the United States, but many people still have trouble identifying that they have it. 的 symptoms of hearing loss can be difficult to detect, 和 this can leave people who are losing their hearing confused 和 焦虑. 的re are some telltale sign of hearing loss, 虽然, 和 identifying them is the first step in finding help for a loss of hearing.